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Connors LLP Obtains Successful Settlement Allowing Student with Disabilities To Return to School

On Behalf of Connors LLP

On January 19, 2022, Connors LLP filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a J.S.—a ten-year-old autistic boy who cannot wear a mask due to a disability—and his parents. In August 2021, the Buffalo City School District adopted a policy that refused to grant any mask exemptions for in-person learning for students who, like J.S., are unable to wear a mask due to a documented disability. Rather than allowing J.S. to be in school with a face shield instead of a mask, the District indefinitely relegated him to remote learning. Rather than respond to J.S.’s motion for a preliminary injunction, the District conceded that he would be allowed back into school for in-person learning. The District also agreed to change its policy to consider mask exemptions for students who are unable to wear a mask due to a disability.

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